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During your stay, take time to visit some of the other local towns.

Here are some suggestions:


Just 15 miles east of Castello De Rugat, Gandia is one of the largest coastal towns in Spain. It is the capital of the La Safor region and a very popular tourist resort, especially with Spanish families, many of whom have summer homes and apartments close to the beach.

Gandia is split into two, the main centre, about 3km inland and the Playa (beach) with its marina and port. This historic design is common in this part of Spain and was to protect the main town from pirates. Both parts of the town are well worth exploring.

The miles of stunning, soft, sandy beaches, with their blue flag status are what draw most summer visitors. The beachfront boasts a beautiful long promenade with lots of restaurants, hotels, shops, bars, and clubs plus in the summer, Chirinquitos (beach bars) on the sand. Here too you can join the locals keeping fit by walking, cycling or running along the wide promenade or playing beach volleyball and football.

If you want to spend time in a lively holiday location, visit Gandia beach and the surrounding area in summer. (Like many beach resorts in this part of Spain it can be very quiet out of season).

Gandia wide sandy beach and promenade

The main centre of Gandia is located inland. This is the historical and commercial hub with lots of shops, banks, the cinemas & museums, a couple of indoor shopping centres, the train station etc.

A popular area for people to stroll is the wide, tree lined boulevard the ‘Paseo de las Germanias.’ You can also take refreshments in one of the many cafes here.

For history lovers, Gandia is closely associated with the Borgia family (known as the Borja in Spain) who arrived here at the end of the fourteenth century.

A ‘must see’ in the centre is the sumptuous 15th century Ducal Palace, a former home to the Borgia family. To fully appreciate the palace and in particular the Golden Gallery, with its five continuous rooms and architectural ‘trompe L’oeil’ try to time your visit for a quiet time of the day and week.


Entrance to the Borja Palace in Gandia

More info can be found at:

Tip 1: There are two large underground carparks right in the centre of Gandia. The prices charged are very reasonable.

Tip 2: Most of the shops in Gandia centre observe siesta so close for several hours in the afternoon so time your visit accordingly. The large supermarkets and shops in the two shopping centres, stay open all day.


Xativa Castle and far reaching views

This beautiful old town, 19 miles inland from Castello de Rugat, was declared a historic-artistic site in 1982 and is a place great explore.

It is best appreciated by taking a leisurely stroll through its streets and squares to admire its wealth of historical buildings. With its many fountains, churches, palaces, spacious avenues and grand old buildings it is easy to imagine yourself transported back in time.

An absolute must see here is the stunning, double ended castle which stretches over two peaks that sit high above the town. The location was once a crucial strategic position as from here you can see for miles in every direction. The views are impressive.

You can walk up to the castle from the town, but it is a steep climb that feels endless on a hot day. Instead, we suggest that you take the tourist train that runs from the town centre, or if you are visiting during quieter periods, there is a small car park at the top of the hill just before you reach the castle gate.

More info can be found at: www.Xà

Tip 1:  The design of the castle is such that there are some steep sections to climb, plus it can get very hot up there. We therefore recommend that you wear comfortable shoes and sunblock, take water with you and avoid the hottest parts of the day, especially in summer.

 Tip 2: There is small popular restaurant in the castle, but it can be difficult to get a table so do not rely on it.


Oliva is just south of Gandia, 18-20 miles east of us. As with Gandia and many coastal towns in the area, the heart of the town is situated a couple of miles inland.

Although it has less obvious history on display than Xativa and Gandia, there is still lots to see in this traditional working town.

On Friday mornings a large market is held on the long Paseo at the centre of the town.  This is a great place to buy fruit & vegetables, olives and other local produce as well as other items such as clothing and household items.  The paseo is lined with shops, bars, and restaurants as well as several large supermarkets.

If you don’t mind hills, we suggest a walk through the old, Moorish part of town with its narrow, windy streets. Also, a walk up to the ruined walls of a castle/fort behind the old town which offers great views over the whole area.

The tourist centre, which is located on the Paseo close to the municipal market, organises walking tours of the town and can supply local maps and a list of local activities.

View ovelooking Oliva town
The wide sandy beach at Oliva

In addition to visiting the centre of Oliva, we would highly recommend a visit to Oliva’s soft sandy beaches with their gently sloping seabed. Each part of the beach has a different feel ranging from the sand dunes in the north, to Les Deveses beach in the south which is very popular with kiteboarders and windsurfers.

Our favourite area is Pau Pi beach which is easily reached from the road that heads directly to the beach out of Oliva centre. (The Paseo de Francisco Brines). The area has a residential feel and most of the buildings here consist of low level second homes and apartments. This means that it is very unusual for the beach to be crowded.

There are a scattering of restaurants and ice cream parlours in the surrounding streets, and some amenities on the beach in summer but the area is not heavily commercialised.

For more info on Oliva, visit:

Tip 1. There is ample, free, on street parking close and you can usually get parked very close to the beach. Only in the height of summer does parking become difficult.

Tip 2. For an affordable, filling lunch we would recommend having ‘Menu del dia’ at the Beach Burger bar, on the pedestrianised section of Carrer de la Mar Mediterrània 57.   At 10€ per person for a 3- course meal, with bread and a drink included, it is great value, and you can choose from a selection of different courses each day. It is a great and affordable way to try some Spanish food.

Tip 3. We also like to enjoy a drink or meal at the marina with its great location and views or at Mandalas Restaurant which is located almost on the sand, backing onto the beach from Calle de la Virgen del Mar 57.